

2024 BUDGET (ClearGov)



Each year the City Administrator and Mayor present a balanced budget for the City Council's consideration, discussion and adoption. The annual Budget serves a number of essential functions. In addition to being a "checkbook," where revenues and expenditures are posted, the Budget serves as the City's implementing document for its Financial Plan.

The Financial Plan includes annual goals and priorities for the year; a six year Capital Improvement Plan (CIP) Budget to address the City's major equipment and infrastructure needs as well as other special projects; Financial Policies; and, financial projections to help define a range of future expectations that assist in the development of both short- and longer-term Financial Strategies. 

In the fall, the Council and Budget Advisory Committee review a Draft and a Preliminary Budget, along with other financial information in order to decide on a Final Budget. The Final Budget is approved by the end of November of each year by City Council. 


The Council established a Budget Advisory Committee (BAC) of community members to help review the City's financial challenges and participate in the budget development process in the year 2000. Every year since, the BAC has been reformed in the Spring to accomplish these goals through the efforts of 4 to 12 volunteer community members who participate in the meetings and the development of the budget.

The BAC has provided input into difficult budgetary choices, challenged assumptions, and kept City staff and elected officials on their toes. The observations, comments, questions and ideas of the Committee greatly add to the development of the budget, modification to fee schedules, and an understanding of the City's overall financial situation.

For fiscal year 2025, the City BAC is made up six community members, the Mayor, the two-member City Council Finance Committee, and key City Staff. 

2025 BAC 1 Presentation 8-1-24

2025 BAC 2 Presentation 9-4-24

2025 DRAFT Budget 9-4-24


A set of Financial Policy Statements establishes the guiding principles for the long-term fiscal stability of the City. The Council and Budget Advisory Committee review and approve these each year and make any necessary modifications based on the changing economy and needs of the City.  The City's overriding financial guidelines can be found within these policies